With our repowering service and modernization of your existing system, we help you to counteract the loss of yield due to declining efficiency.
By replacing outdated or less efficient solar modules with more modern models with higher efficiency, the overall performance of the system can be increased.
Photovoltaic systems use inverters to convert the generated direct current into grid-compliant alternating current. Upgrading to more advanced inverters can improve the efficiency of energy conversion.
Die Integration von Batteriespeichersystemen ermöglicht es, überschüssige Energie während sonnenreicher Perioden zu speichern und bei Bedarf abzurufen, was die Unabhängigkeit von externen Stromquellen verbessert.
Modernization of monitoring and control systems to enable better remote monitoring, fault detection, and power control.
Conversion of electrical installations necessary to meet current standards.
Implementation of advanced software to monitor, diagnose, and optimize the performance of the system.
As part of system modernization, we also offer our Float Controller to improve performance, protect the modules in the long term, and increase the yield of your project.
We offer reliable, state-of-the-art anti-PID solutions